County Monaghan Sustainable Energy Community

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How we got started

In 2020 Monaghan Integrated Development’s (MID) SICAP team began to explore the idea of forming a SEC for County Monaghan. MID hosted a number of preliminary meetings with key stakeholder during the summer of 2020 and County Monaghan SEC was formed on 11 September 2020 with a membership of ten.

The vision of County Monaghan SEC is for a county where every household, business and organisation is aware of their carbon footprint and supported to take measures to reduce it. In late 2020, County Monaghan SEC, through the lead applicant Monaghan Integrated Development, secured funding from SEAI, to complete an Energy Master Plan, Marketing and Register of Opportunities. Action Renewables were engaged to work with us to complete this project. This website, which aims to increase awareness of energy efficiency in homes, was completed as part of this project.

 Who we are

County Monaghan SEC currently has 12 members, representing a variety of interests including domestic, community, agriculture, education and the public sector;

  • Barry McCarron , South West College Research & Development Coordinator – Chairperson
  • Francis McCarron, Community Development Team Leader, MID – Secretary
  • Gabriel O’Connell; CEO, Monaghan Integrated Development – Treasurer
  • Paul MacArtain; Engineering Researcher, DKIT and MD of Learn Renewables
  • Nigel Renaghan; IFA Regional Chairperson & Poultry Farmer.
  • Niall Skinnader; Energy Engineer, Monaghan County Council
  • Bernie McKenna; Administrator , MID
  • Jane McConnon, Business & Technology Advisor – Drystock, Teagasc
  • Carol Kelly, Community Education Facilitator, CMETB
  • Sharon Finnegan, Environmental Services, Monaghan County Council

Why is energy efficiency in homes so important?

Currently, one quarter of all energy used within Ireland is consumed directly in homes. New buildings are built to a high standard of energy efficiency and must include 20% of energy use sourced from renewable energy.

Therefore, the focus has therefore shifted to improving the existing housing stock’s energy efficiency through retrofitting. An energy efficient home will be more comfortable, affordable and can also have positive health benefits.

We can help make your home more energy efficient, get in touch for more information

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